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 Trezor na zbraně Defender 23, černý

Fotografia sa môže líšiť podľa vybraného rozmeru a zámku.

Certifikát: ČSN EN 1143-1 minimálně 15RU, splňuje zákon č. 119/2002 Sb.
Dostupné zámky: elektronický zámek (EL)
Ohňovzdornosť: 30 minut
Hotovosť do: € 3 000,00

Výrobca: Browning

KódKód: 1605500071

Dostupnosť: 1 ks skladem PHA 0FM 1

Doprava na SK:€ 53,90 Nie je v cene

€ 3 023,58 včetně DPH

€ 2 458,20 bez DPH

Showroom FM

Servis a zaškolenie

Je samozrejmosťou, že našim zákazníkom poskytujeme plný záručný aj pozáručný servis. Taktiež Vás radi naučíme zaobchádzať s Vašim novým trezorom.

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Vnější rozměry (mm)Hmotnost (kg)


Since 1897, the year when the first Browning gun was made, millions, even tens of millions, of shotguns and rifles for hunting or target shooting have been created and manufactured by Browning.

The inventor of the semi-automatic shotgun, Over-and-Under shotgun and, semi-automatic rifle, and most recently, an Over-and-Under gun with the lowest action frame and fastest firing system on the market.

This has left its mark on the history of gun-making with a wide array of models, all different, but with one thing in common – their reliability and their unparalleled levels of performance. Every day, throughout the world, Browning guns, old or new, smooth-bore or rifled, perform on the range or for hunting, providing great pleasure for their owners.

Target shooters, hunters, and collectors can find in these fascinating items a pleasure that is renewed endlessly. Among makes of weapons, just as with makes of watches or cars, there are some whose history is part of the reputation of the entire industry. Browning, for example.

Zapomenuté heslo
Tovar na porovnani:0ks
Mimořádná akce! Zadejte v košíku na kód CHCI10 a získejte slevu 10% na vybrané produkty Rottner,
nebo s kódem BONUS3 slevu 3% na vše ostatní :-).